
Archive for May, 2008

A Secret? Really?

Gravity exists whether we believe in it or not, as does the Law of Attraction, which the movie The Secret has popularized.


Now, I recognize there is a great deal of debate about the movie, and perhaps even more criticism regarding how the movie communicated the law, however, what cannot be debated is the evidence for the law’s existence.


Like gravity, the Law of Attraction does not need you to believe in it in order to operate. And, I have to say, I am extremely doubtful there is a single successful person who does not realize that what they put out they will get back (otherwise know as the Law of Attraction). Approach people with mistrust, and you will be mistrusted. Approach others with disrespect, and will be disrespected. Thankfully, the opposite is also true.


This is not rocket science and, it should not be a secret.


What I believe is not well understood is at what fundamental level this law operates: the thoughts we think matter! People know what we really think of them – just as we know what others truly think of us. We can feel it. We know when others think well of us – and we know it when they do not. Consider the vast implications of this.


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